Kas yra aptarnavimo tarnybos programinė įranga?
Aptarnavimo tarnybos programinė įranga skirta santykiams su klientais valdyti. Tai internetinė platforma, kurioje jūsų agentai gali spręsti klientų problemas.
Naudojant pagalbos tarnybos programinę įrangą, kiekvienas iškeltas klausimas paverčiamas bilietu. Šiuose bilietuose nepateikiama jokia informacija apie klientą, tik jo problema. Dėl to bilietai gali kartotis, o klientai susierzinti.
Aptarnavimo tarnybos programinė įranga suteikia daug privalumų tiek agentams, tiek klientams. Agentai gali priskirti, nustatyti prioritetus ir kategorizuoti bilietus bei lengvai rūšiuoti išspręstus ir neišspręstus bilietus. Klientų portalas suteikia klientams žinių bazę ir bendruomenės forumą, kuriame jie gali rasti problemų sprendimus.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to define help desk software?
Support software is software that supports the operation of the customer service team. Thanks to it, you have the ability to integrate all agents in one space, access to the e-mail box, live chats, calls, contact forms, as well as customer data, contact history and reports.
What are the must-have features of help desk software?
Necessary functions of the technical support software include access to all communication channels, such as e-mail, social media, live chat and call center, an intuitive interface, the ability to integrate with other tools, and options for cooperation with other agents. Of course, the software must be handled at a great level.
Does LiveAgent offer help desk software?
LiveAgent offers technical support software. The software includes all the options needed to keep the customer service department at the highest level. It not only provides multi-channel functionality, but also access to reports and activity history. It also includes a ton of additional features that can improve the team's work.