Welcome to our affiliate program!

Earning money with LiveAgent Affiliate Program is easy. We do the work, and you earn cash. 

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3,000+ Trustpilot | GetApp | G2 crowd reviews

Customer providing review for service on mobile phone

Why should you join our affiliate program?

Money bag coin dollars

$5 signup bonus

Claim a $5 commission just for signing up to our affiliate program. It will be paid out in your first payout of earned commissions.

repeat icon

Recurring commissions

We provide a 20% commission from the initial payment + 20% commission of all recurring payments in your account. 

promo materials

Promo materials

Choose from a variety of affiliate links and banners. Tips, content materials, and a dedicated manager is available too. 

Manager - icon

Affiliate manager

A dedicated affiliate manager is available to help you with any questions regarding the promotion or getting the most of the program.

How does it work?

Our affiliate program is easy to use and highly accurate. The average conversion is 1:66 (depending on actual promotion or season), which means that one in every 66 visitors makes a purchase.

We do everything – host the products, handle downloads and customer queries, and you get paid by simply referring visitors to our websites. LiveAgent affiliate program offers real-time reports of your sales, traffic, account balance, and overall performance. 


The process is as follows:

Visitor clicks on an affiliate link on your site or in an email. The visitor’s IP is then logged, and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes.

The visitor browses our site and may decide to order. 

If the visitor orders (the order does not need to be placed during the same browser session – cookies and IPs are stored indefinitely), the order will be registered as a sale for you and you will receive a commission for this sale. If a sale was referred by more affiliates, we will split the commission between all affiliates involved. 

Why LiveAgent?

You will get a $5 commission just for signing up for our affiliate program! It will be paid out with the first payout of earned commission as motivation to become our long-term partner.

You’ll get your commission if customers complete a purchase within 90 days. Nowadays, the trend is reducing cookie window, often down to a few hours. We are trying to keep our partnerships fair. 

We split the commission in case the sale was referred by more than one affiliate to all of them. Here is how it works: The first affiliate will get a 10% bonus – he introduced the customer to the brand. The last affiliate will get a 30% bonus – he convinced the customer to buy. We will split the rest of the commissions (60%) between all affiliates (including first and last) equally. 

Our payment processor charges us from every transaction the average fixed cost of 8%. Therefore, commissions are computed from 92% of the total order amount.

Payouts for sales referred in the previous month are made every month on the 15th. The minimum payout is $250, and you have to refer a minimum of two separate customers.

For the first sale of a hosted account, you will earn a 20% commission. From all other recurring sales, you will earn 20% commissions until the person who purchased our software via your link stopped payment. We believe recurring commissions form affiliate partnerships in a trustworthy manner. For more information regarding how our commissions are calculated, feel free to contact our support.

We are trying to build long-term relationships with our partners. Therefore, we always like to see niche blogs or review portals working with us. We prefer quality over generated content, and we are looking forward to any sort of referral, email, or social media traffic with added value for the user.

We are not allowing any PPC campaigns for our affiliate program because they tend to combat our activities. Also, we don’t allow any suspicious traffic from sources that are not helpful for our target audience.

Susiję straipsniai suSveiki atvykę į mūsų partnerių programą!
Susisiekite su mūsų pardavimų viceprezidentu ir aptarkite galimus partnerystės variantus. Naudokite žemiau esantį kontaktinį mygtuką, kad parašytumėte jam tiesiogiai.

Norite bendradarbiauti?

LiveAgent is a comprehensive software for customer service, including ticketing systems, online chats, call center software, social media customer service, knowledge base, and client portal software. The software is highly recommended for retail stores looking to improve customer service quality. LiveAgent also offers call center software, which can improve customer relationship management and increase sales opportunities. The software offers a free trial and a variety of paid plans. The main advantages of LiveAgent over competitors include its stability, functionality, and excellent customer support, along with advanced integration and automation features that create added value for consumers. The article also discusses how to use email marketing to advertise and deliver products, as well as how to use LiveAgent software to enhance customer experience, increase satisfaction levels, and drive revenue. Survey email templates are also provided to help refine marketing strategies.

„LiveAgent“ yra pagalbos centro įranga, jungianti kelias platformas vienoje sąsajoje. Pereikite iš „CallPage“ į „LiveAgent“ ir pradėkite gauti naudos savo verslui.

Pereinate iš „CallPage“ į „LiveAgent“?

LiveAgent yra daugiafunkcinė klientų aptarnavimo programa su daugybe funkcijų ir daugiau nei 40 integracijų. Gaukite „LiveAgent“ nemokamai visam laikui arba pasirinkite vieną iš trijų mokamų planų.

„LiveAgent“ siūlo nemokamą „Jira“ duomenų perkėlimą į „LiveAgent“. Perkelkite visus savo duomenis tiesiog naudodami mūsų perkėlimo įskiepį arba mūsų komanda jums padės.

Norite pereiti iš „Jira“ į „LiveAgent“?

LiveAgent yra populiari klientų aptarnavimo programa, siūlanti nemokamą išbandymą. Teikiami įvairūs kontaktų variantai, taip pat galimybė perkelti duomenis iš kitų sistemų ir naudoti daugybę funkcijų.

Naudodami „LiveAgent“ klientų aptarnavimo dokumentacijos programinę įrangą, galite lengvai sukurti išsamią žinių bazę su klientų aptarnavimo dokumentacija ir tada jie turės prieigą prie savitarnos.

Lengvai sukurkite žinių bazę ir klientų aptarnavimo dokumentaciją

"LiveAgent" programa suteikia daugybę funkcijų smulkioms ir vidutinėms įmonėms, pagerindama klientų aptarnavimą. Tai vertina pasaulinės kompanijos. Pasižyminti daugiau nei 180 funkcijų, ji suteikia geriausią klientų aptarnavimą 24/7. Taip pat suteikia daugybę tinkamų funkcijų ir geriausią kainą.

„LiveAgent“ omnikanalio skambučių centro programinė įranga suteikia agentams galimybę teikti individualizuotas paslaugas jūsų klientams. Išbandykite naują klientų aptarnavimo patirtį dabar.

Call center software

LiveAgent siūlo įvairias programinės įrangos ir paslaugas klientų aptarnavimui, įskaitant skambučių centro programinę įrangą ir kompiuterinės telefonijos integraciją. Su stumiamaisiais pranešimais, skambučių žurnalais ir IVR, jūsų klientų aptarnavimas taps efektyvesnis. Susikurkite NEMOKAMĄ paskyrą ir išbandykite funkcijas.

LiveAgent gali patenkinti keletos verslo sričių reikalavimus. Peržiūrėkite, kaip LiveAgent gali atitikti jūsų keliamus reikalavimus ir pagerinti klientų aptarnavimą.

Vienas pagalbos tarnybos sprendimas skirtingoms pramonėms

"LiveAgent" siūlo įvairias klientų aptarnavimo programinės įrangos galimybes, įskaitant internetinius pokalbius, telefoniją ir daugiau. Užsiregistruokite nemokamai ir sužinokite daugiau.

Mūsų svetainėje naudojami slapukai. Tęsdami, suteikiate mums leidimą patalpinti slapukus, kaip aprašyta mūsų privatumo ir slapukų politika.

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